3 Step Program to explore opportunities
- 45 minute One-on-One interactive session with a PlatPharm Team member.
- The following 3 steps would be done during the session.
Step 1-“Know Yourself”
- Simple Behavioural Psychometric Assessment of personality.
- Student to be given a short assessment to be done online during the session. Results to be downloaded by them immediately
Step 2- “Know your Profession”
Salient Features:- Overview of the profession and healthcare industry
- Understanding the student needs for way forward
Step 3 – Mentoring
- Mentoring by a member of the PlatPharm Team
- This mentoring to focus on common things needed to prepare themselves for the industry, about various roles and the career journey
- Mentoring also will address general questions regarding higher education and how to go about planning for the same
- Some common questions that will get addressed:
- What does the industry look for?
- What is being industry ready mean?
- Second, Third & Final Year BPharm Students
- MPharm Students
- DPharm Students
- PharmD students
- BSc / MSc / Life Sciences Students